My Mother's Basement Gallery is now accepting submissions for our 2021 programming. Exhibitions run for one month each, typically showing between 6-12 images of work. Primarily MMBGallery features individual artists, however groups, collectives, and curators are welcome to make submissions.
Submissions should include:
Artist(s) name, website/ instagram/ preferred contact etc.
3-12 examples of original work
Title, Medium, Size, and Date of each piece
Please send all submissions to [email protected]
There is NO Submission fee for this exhibition
My Mother's Basement Gallery is now accepting submissions for our 2021 programming. Exhibitions run for one month each, typically showing between 6-12 images of work. Primarily MMBGallery features individual artists, however groups, collectives, and curators are welcome to make submissions.
Submissions should include:
Artist(s) name, website/ instagram/ preferred contact etc.
3-12 examples of original work
Title, Medium, Size, and Date of each piece
Please send all submissions to [email protected]
There is NO Submission fee for this exhibition